Olivia Day, FND 111, W6A1
Internal Development
Technology Check (1 hour)
Town Hall Meeting Q & A (1 hour)
Student Orientation (1 hour)
Level Up Your Classroom: Tools for Gamifying (1 hour)
Briding the Gap between As & Fs (1 hour)
Task Analysis of Drawing (1 hour)
Pinnacle Update "Platform Review" (1 hour)
Enhance with Behance (1 hour)
Fostering a Passion for Teaching (1 hour)
Survey Says (1 hour)
Practical Magic (1 hour)
Best Practices for Military Students (1 hour)
Instructor Credibility (1 hour)
Student Tutoring Options (1 hour)
Teaching Millenials Online (1 hour)
Bridges Out of Poverty (1 hour)
External Development
Lynda.com Education Technology for Student Success (1 hour)
Lynda.com Creating Multimedia Learning (1 hour)
Lynda.com Up and Running with Adobe Presenter (3 hours)
Lynda.com Instructional Design Essentials: Creating Video Training (1 hour)
Lynda.com Flipping the Classroom (1 hour)
Lynda.com iPad Classroom Apps for Educators (1.5 hours)
Mandatory EDMC Training
FY'16 Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence: Title IX, VAWA & Clery Act for Faculty & Staff
FY'16 EDMC Business Ethics Policy and Code of Conduct-Full Time
"Normal is Boring", Exhibit No. 9, Group Exhibition
Artist Talk, Exhibit No. 9
"Sandbox", Palette Gallery, Group Exhibition
Full Time Faculty Conference
Maximizing the IDEA Surveys (1 hour)
Putting yourself in the Student’s Shoes and Ways to Improve your Teaching (1 hour)
Increasing New Student Engagement (1 hour)
The Pinnacle Project (1 hour)
Teaching Students How to Fish – a review of how faculty can provide feedback that (1 hour)
Grad team overview – a review of the grad team structure and student support (1 hour)
Elements of Instructor Credibility (1 hour)
The B.A. Degree in Visual Art: Pertinent History, Concepts, Life After School (1 hour)
Academic Affairs overview and update on initiatives (1 hour)
State of the Union Academic Ops (1 hour)
Mandatory EDMC Training
Security Awareness & Violence Training 1 & 2
EDMC Business Ethics Policy & Code of Conduct
EDMC Records Management
Great Starts: Privacy & Information Security
Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence
External: Adobe Captivate > Understanding Captivate> Lynda.com
External: Adobe Captivate > Essential Training Parts 1, 2, 3> Lynda.com
External: TED Talks, "Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education"
External: TED Talks, "Anant Agarwal: Why MOOCs still matter"
External: TED Talks, "Let's use video to reinvent education"
External: TED Talks, "Richard Baraniuk on open source learning"
Art Basel Miami Beach panel discussion "The artist and the gallerist"
Art Basel Miami Beach panel discussion "The artist as technologist"
Pulse Miami
Untitled Miami
Scope Miami
Design Miami
"Beauty is Embarassing" Wayne White & Todd Oldham screening, SVA
Dia: Chelsea, Artist on Artist, Ian Wallace on Blinky Palermo
Dia: Beacon, Kirsten Swenson on Sol Lewitt
Cy Twombly "Treatise on the Veil", Morgan Library
FND 111/115 Subject Matter Expert
Student Success Forum Participant
Co-Presenter: Technology in the Classroom Training Course
Co-Presenter: Technology in the Classroom workshop
Co-Presenter: FND111/115 Training Course
Full Time Faculty Conference
5 Techniques for Creating Substantial Feedback (1 hour)
Storytelling (1 hour)
Plagiarism (1 hour)
New Technology Tricks in the Classroom (1 hour)
MOOCs and the Future of Online Education (1 hour)
Overview of EDMC Central Services (1 hour)
Creative Cloud (1 hour)
Ai Operations Update (1 hour)
Ai Academic Updates (1 hour)
State of the Union Academic Ops (1 hour)
Full Time Faculty Conference
Learning Objectives (1 hour)
Lassoing LASAs (1 hour)
Faculty Panel Q&A (1 hour)
Ai Student Success (1 hour)
How to Network, Interact with Students (1 hour)
Curriculum Development (1 hour)
Improving Student Engagement (1 hour)
The Story Behind the Stats (1 hour)
The Use of Technology in Managing Multiple Starts (1 hour)
AIP Institutional Accreditation (1 hour)
Ai State of the Brand (1 hour)
Future of Online Programs (1 hour)
EDMC Business Ethics Code of Conduct (1 hour)
Personalizing the Online Classroom (1 hour)
Rubrics Training (1 hour)